15 Insightful Quotes from Healthcare Executives

15 Insightful Quotes From Healthcare Executives 500x250.png
"[Physicians] are going to look at you sideways if you ask them to align, but if you ask them to be the leaders and determine what the future will look like, they will rise to the challenge."

Lucy Hammerberg, MD, chief quality officer

Change management is an increasingly important skill for healthcare executives as forces continue to reshape the industry. At all levels of the organization, change is impacting operations, with CEOs facing the broadest set of challenges from patient satisfaction to pay reform. Throughout this process of transformation front-line employee buy-in, engaging communication strategies, and strengthening relationships become necessary for success. Without these elements, health administrators will find it harder to see the changes on the horizon, positions their organizations to respond, and implement new initiatives.  To address these pressing issues more than 150 hospital and health system executives gathered in Chicago in May to discuss their industry, organizations, strategies, challenges, and passions. See what insightful things CEOs had to say about their roles in this Becker’s Hospital Review article. USC’s own EMHA advisor, Scripps CEO, Chris Van Gorder, was featured. To read more about Chris’ frontline leadership and communication philosophy please see his Seven Simple Strategies for Frontline Leaders. 


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Written by Anna Montgomery, MPA

Anna Montgomery earned her MPA at USC Price and is pursuing her EdD at USC Rossier.